You really are an arsehole Scared… and I love it, man after my own heart
Wow, being a Christian and all I never thought I’d ever actually hate anyone… until now.
One question: What came top in their Game of the Decade? I read that it’s causing some ripples on their forums and they’ve been deleting the spoiler…
Probably something like WoW because they said they were basing it on player count…
You sick, sick bastard.
Deus Ex: Invisible War
I shit you not.
that’s a terrible fucking choice.
In the 12th in Ozland today. I used to get this mag delivered and it was always early by a few days as a few already have the mag
oh my… was that the only game the reviewer had played all decade or something?
I haven’t read the article yet. The only thing I have read (so far) is the Black Mesa article.
stop teasing!
Updating my post.
Well at least I got you to post proof… you probably would not have done so if I hadnt taunted you… thus my evil plan worked. :pirate:
The first one still counts as being in this decade, I haven’t played IW but I’ve heard terrible things about it. Surely they be trollin’?
wtf IW is a terrible sequel and not a very good game in it’s own right.
Surely HL2 or WoW.
I love how evil you are with showing off the front cover…
Just like Bender Bending Rodrieguez you raised my hopes and dashed them quite expertly sir, bravo!