Black holes as we know them may not exist

No no, I’m not putting science down at all. There is nothing wrong with trying to explain the world/universe. What I’m saying is that religion and science have been having a centuries long blood feud over how much they hate each other when they are both basically trying to do the same thing: Give a passing explanation as to what we are doing and why we and everything else, exist.

Now topic. Black holes man, they suck. Or not anymore? They don’t suck as much as they used to, is what I’m gathering, yes?

While that’s (mostly) true when you limit your scope to the past few centuries in Europe/US, I wouldn’t agree entirely if you take a global perspective. Anywaaay…

Sounds about right. And I think they’re a bit less black too.

Perception is limited to senses which are but tools the brain uses in order to help itself process data and project them onto the illusion we call consciousness. We can hardly know anything beyond the scope of our own subjective reality… is there even such a thing tho?

For all we know, there’s no “I, you, we” only ME and each of us (us meaning I/me) is but a fragment of a sole mind manifesting itself through various means such as its dreams and imagination becoming what we would call matter and thus both subjectivity and objectivity are an illusion with there being just a one “whole” and even inanimate things are alive in a sense they are processes subconsciously controlled by the mind, explaining law of physics, mathematics and seemingly shi* working all by itself.

So yeah, all of “reality” may be something dreamt by a single entity.

No wonder different people believe so many different things, there’s no certainty to any “truth” yet… if ever.

But in Mr. Hawking I trust, he is very intelligent.

What are you on, Dotard?

They say opposites attract.

Something relatively cheap I suppose, as I’m broke, the term is hard to spell tho, it’s breaking my tongue.

@Orpheon 3/10 for picking out a contextually correct image response but points down for lacking creativity as it’s the second one through google search… use yahoo.

@rotten fodder, by they you meant me right? And since I say so, it must not be true.

Am I really, REALLY going to have to explain an insult to your intelligence to you.

I’m serious. What have you been taking?

I want one. No, make that two. And mix it with whiskey.

I’m interested to see how this theory on black holes develops to be honest.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.