The vent looks okay for a WIP, although it does lack, that’s the most obvious thing.

Good work so far anyway.

This statement makes zero sense. What is obviously lacking?

Source doesn’t do surfaces that are very rough (as in glossiness) well and getting the effect you are talking about would be nearly impossible. Not to mention no where is our slime transparent.

Only problem I see with it is the light, it is sort of jarring to see a normal vent light sticking out of xen slime. (think it should be covered in slime and light muted abit).

also it is a bit jarring for something organic to make a sharp turn like in a vent, would suggest making "clumps for near the edges where the floor/celling meets the walls.
EDIT: I needed to look at things closer :end edit

That is just my opinion though.

I assumed he was just doing the generic give-take thing, only without the constructivity.

Ah, I apologize for being so vague.

Well, first of all it does have an unfinished touch to it, and I think there’s a bit too much green stuff (well, idk what exactly is that thing, sorry for the lack of a better term) inside the vent. Also, the vent itself cannot be seen, but that may very well be due to the position. Moreover, it also seems to be flooded by the thing, I think there’s a bit too much.

But of course, still a WIP, so it’s bound to change.

its a pic from the middle of an infested section that is why you don’t see any of the vent, it fades in on the edges of the growth. The green things are snark nests (guess you didn’t play the original :wink: ).

To be fair the snark nests’ body sort of blends into the background, breaking the silhouette and making it a little harder to recognize.

Are some of the models you’ve made lately going to make appearences in other maps outside of STU? Like the trucks appearing on maps were warehouses are present or the barricades being on other places in ST like darkone said?

I only want to say this: thanks for sharing. I appreciate it.

No, I played all HL games, and still playing some of them :wink: . It may just happen to not know a couple of things here and there, but I definitely recognized the snark nests. I was referring more to the green-yellowish thing surrounding them, that covers the vent.

Well the only thing green in the there is the snark nests, none of the growth is green, it’s all yellow and red. I think you guys are obcessed with small things you aren’t going to notice when you play the game. I’m going to stop posting WIPs it just opens a can of worms I don’t want to mess with.

The new models look great. Can’t wait to see them in STU!

Don’t know for sure. Outside of bug fixes the other SP maps haven’t really changed. I’m not the one that does that so can’t say for sure. If it works out better to have them there than what is currently then they will be. It’s up to the LD. I made several different wooden crates for example they might show up somewhere outside ST but not sure.

He says it’s WIP, so not finished, not done!

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