BBMIP 3.0 or as I like to call it the vehicle update

The osprey won’t get redone mostly because of the animations and rigging. There is actually an interior in there its all the same color. Same for the pilots low detail and dark color.

We aren’t making things for modders (custome models) if they need modelers they should go recruit some. Take the discussions for whatever expansions to another thread.

The hummer isn’t from 2006, the model that I redid was from then and the redo was around 2011-12. As for paint color remember this is circa 1997. The 1st gulf war was 1991. Once these things came back they got repainted, just go by any national guard armory (we have 2 in town) and most of their vehicles are in camo. We made a decision to mix up a few of the vehicles paint jobs to make them more interesting and to stick out. Also the trucks from HL were green. OD green was dropped in the 80s for forrest camo. That is all I’m going to say on the subject.

Didn’t know that they got repainted after those events and also about OD green.I thought they were stored for military purposes in warehouses.About the colors I had a version about the paint that it will be a bit boring to have a yellowish palette everywhere.Also sorry for the mod discussion,since I’m just obsessed with Opposing Force so I just too carried away by this.

Look up pics of the UN IFOR I believe it was called in Yugoslavia. Vehicles are painted based on which theater of operation they are in going to be in.
This is interesting from a modelers perspective.

The new jeep models are absolutely stunning, definitely would love to have one in real life. :thumbup:

Very nice indeed!

What about the weapons we use doing damage to vehicles?

We can blow up tanks, but I guess we cannot blow up vehicles or making bulletholes in their windows and metal…

Just a question!

The possibility of damaging them would be nice, but blowing up, honestly, I don’t think. After all they’re merely unarmed vehicles, can’t really be compared with tanks. There wouldn’t be any purpose for doing it, beside fun.

I dunno, they could be like explosive barrels- in fact, since the military seems to like to use them as cover, this could be a useful mechanic.

That said, I don’t know a lot about car fires, but while they’re obviously not a safe thing to be inside of, I always got the impression from Mythbusters that it’s actually quite difficult to make a civilian automobile truly blow up and harm people any distance away.

If you make the jeep into a prop_dynamic (physics too?) it explodes when shooting at it. It spawns red invalid particles tho.

They are all diesels (military) and diesel doesn’t explode like gas. Not going to change the mechanics at this point. The jeep isn’t set up to transition to the blown up version. Plus it takes up entities which becomes a concern when there are 10 of these in an area.

One little nit-pick that’s been bothering me: “SECURITY” is in a different font than the rest of the words on the Joop, making it look out of place.


I don’t know what you’re trying to show me with this. On almost all of those pictures the font used for the phone number and/or logo is the same font used on the “SECURITY” portion. I was pointing out that the fonts on the model didn’t match.

Actualyl it is common place for the word security to be in a different text, the text for the numbers is standardized, while the word security is not. Most try to use a similar text or the same text for both, but that is not always the case.

It’s still work in progress and it’s fine for me even at this stage already and it pleases my eye.What bother me more is the water in Unforeseen Consequences canals,it looks 2004ish if we compare it with FAF canals where it looks much more better.I think they forgot to change it so we have a modern water in FAF canals and old water in early chapters.

Please keep the discussion on topic. That has absolutely nothing to do with what Brian has posted.

This whole discussion has been derailment after derailment, in fact. Stick to the topic, which is specifically - Brian’s redos of the vehicle models.

Sorry I was just being an asshole because bkdale86 gets perpetual critique and suggestion where it is specially requested to be left null. Likely they studied many references for the text and fonts, as well as looking at the old models, so while your nit-pick is well intended and without malicious intent it’s still irritating to see.

Edit: Sorry TextFAMGUY1! :frowning:

I’m happy when you update the models and especially when it comes to HECU and their stuff since it’s my favourite enemy so far and the current models are pretty good in my opinion even though they are still in development and will be beyond perfection.

Those are amazing jeep models, the details are insane on every variant

btw, when facelifting models, do you prefer to ground it towards real life more or making it as good as possible without worrying about how its based non-fiction-wise?

Nice looking models.
I feel like Black Mesa has a lot of ugly low-quality stuff, simply because of the old mod version (well its old).

I’m just going to temp ban derailers, it’s very annoying. This is why I don’t want everyone giving their opinions on what they didn’t like it just ends up being off topic really fast,
Look up any police, sherriff or security vehicle there are multiple fonts. You are free to mod it youself if you want later.
As far as reference I usually pick a model of whatever vehicle or prop from the real world and make it pretty close within reason. For other props they are an amalgamation or multiple references unless there is something specific a LD asks for.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.