Being trapped in a burning building where all the fire extinguishers have been replaced with ones filled with petrol.
69: Being trapped in a zoo full of snakes where all the exits have been replaced with fire extinguishers
- Being trapped in a snake full of fire extinguishers where all the fire has been replaced by exits.
Being trapped in an exit full of fire where all the snakes have been replaced by fire extinguishers.
71: Being trapped in a fire extinguisher full of snakes where all the exits have been replaced with Swampfoxes
:fffuuu: I have a new phobia.
72: Being snaked in a snake where all the snakes have been replaces by snaeks.
73: Being snaked in a snake where all the snakes have been replaces by snacks.
74: Being trapped in a snack about to be eaten by a fat guy and the only exit is his… :fffuuu:
75: Double Posts
- Being fired by a fire extinguisher in a snake factory on fire where all the fat guys has been replaced by double posts.
77: Being stabbed by a double post in a battlefield full of fat guys who are fighting over a fire extinguisher
Having dozens of posts by the same guys.
Wow. I saw that somewhere else here tho.
Yeah. Posted by the same guy too :hmph:
Are you suggesting that I’m trying to spread it?
It just scares me alot. And makes me laugh. And makes me cry.
I’m not suggesting. I’m knowing.
Victor FORCED me to do it.